Tuesday 30 August 2011

mini moos shoot 2 months old

so yeah that's right our little moo is 2 months old already [well almost 3 but shushhhh] Finally got round to taking some photographs for my walls of the we went to feed the ducks so i took some while we were there she is the cutest i cant get enough of her cuteness =] x
look at them big blue eyes who  can say no to them.

her and her daddy are the most amazing things in my life i couldn't and wouldn't change them for the world they make my days worth living.
oh and here are some of mini moo just so i can show her off abit more they were taken over the last few days she's smiling even more now mostley in the morning :]
have a good day folks hape you all get snapping picks of your life :) x

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